Cest Pharma, sponsor of the Racing Pigeon Olympiad

CEST Pharma was created to bring joy to the life of every pigeon enthusiast, offering them the best quality products, in order to have healthy pigeons and to fulfill their biggest dream of being a champion. The world is constantly changing and we evolve with it, having the best specialists full of creativity, who always adapt to the …

Cest Pharma, sponsor of the Racing Pigeon Olympiad Citeste tot »

Firma Versele-Laga, sponsorul Olimpiadei Columbofile

We are presenting you one of the sponsors of the Racing Pigeon Olympiad – Versele-Laga company, one of our supporters whom we thank for joining us in organizing the biggest racing pigeon event in the world. Versele-Laga:For decades Versele-Laga has been a concept in international pigeon racing. We offer the general public a wide range …

Firma Versele-Laga, sponsorul Olimpiadei Columbofile Citeste tot »

Olimpiada Columbofilă – ediția 37 – Primul mare eveniment mondial după pandemia de Covid 19

The 37th edition of the Racing Pigeon Olympiad was supposed to take place in January 2021 in Romania. No one could have predicted the Covid 19 pandemic and its effects on our lives. This is why the 37th edition of the Racing Pigeon Olympiad will take place for the first time in the summer of …

Olimpiada Columbofilă – ediția 37 – Primul mare eveniment mondial după pandemia de Covid 19 Citeste tot »

“Oradea Arena”, locul desfasurarii Expozitiei Columbofile, o investitie de 30 de milioane de euro

On Wednesday, April 20, the grand inauguration of the „Oradea Arena” took place, the hall where the exhibition of olympic pigeons and the sale of pigeon products will take place during the Racing Pigeon Olympiad.„Oradea Arena” was inaugurated with the basketball game named “All Star Game”, which also included a concert. Expected by many citizens …

“Oradea Arena”, locul desfasurarii Expozitiei Columbofile, o investitie de 30 de milioane de euro Citeste tot »

Olimpiada Columbofilă promovată la Expoziția Națională Columbofilă a României

On Saturday, April 16th, at the “Olimpia” Sports Hall in Ploiesti, it was the “meeting point” of breeders and pigeon lovers from all over the country – the National Racing Pigeon Exhibition of Romania. All those present had the opportunity to admire the champion pigeons that are part of Romania’s Racing Pigeon Olympic team. A …

Olimpiada Columbofilă promovată la Expoziția Națională Columbofilă a României Citeste tot »

Închirierea standurilor expoziționale pentru cea de-a 37-a ediție a Olimpiadei Columbofile este în plină desfășurare

Dear friends of pigeon sports, The rental of the exhibition stands for the Racing Pigeon Olympiad 2022 is in progress!The exhibitors started to book their desired place, so they can display their products during the event.Hurry up and book a place, they’re selling fast! The deadline is April 30, 2022.You can place an order by …

Închirierea standurilor expoziționale pentru cea de-a 37-a ediție a Olimpiadei Columbofile este în plină desfășurare Citeste tot »

Olimpiada Columbofilă, un eveniment fabulos, plin de surprize

With less than four months until the opening of the event, the preparations for the Racing Pigeon Olympiad, by far the most important moment in the history of romanian pigeon fanciers, are in full swing. Thus, for three days, between 12th-14th August, Oradea will undoubtedly be the capital of world pigeon fanciers, and the organizers …

Olimpiada Columbofilă, un eveniment fabulos, plin de surprize Citeste tot »

Interviu cu dl Marius Tunduc, publicat în Herbots, una dintre cele mai prestigioase platforme columbofile din lume, partenerul Olimpiadei Columbofile

In about 5 months the time will come that the “opening ribbon” of the 37th Racing Pigeon Olympiad in Oradea Romania will be cut. The calendar will be set on August 12, an unusual date for pigeon fanciers but maybe this date has more advantages than expected. To find out more the Herbots team had …

Interviu cu dl Marius Tunduc, publicat în Herbots, una dintre cele mai prestigioase platforme columbofile din lume, partenerul Olimpiadei Columbofile Citeste tot »

3, 2, 1.....Start la rezervarea standurilor pentru Olimpiada Columbofila

Dragi prieteni columbofili, Urmeaza cel mai important si asteptat eveniment columbofil din lume, si anume cea de-a 37-a editie a Olimpiadei Columbofile, care va avea loc in perioada 12 – 14 August 2022, in Oradea, Romania. Astazi am lansat sistemul de inscriere a celor care doresc sa isi inchirieze standuri pentru Olimpiada Columbofila.

3, 2, 1.....Start la rezervarea standurilor pentru Olimpiada Columbofila Citeste tot »

Parteneriat cu Primaria Oradea

Astazi ne-am întâlnit cu primarul orașului Oradea, domnul Florin Birta și am semnat un parteneriat între Federația Nationala a Crescatorilor de Porumbei și Primăria Municipiului Oradea pentru ca Olimpiada columbofila sa fie un eveniment grandios. Domnul primar ne va susține, asigurandu-ne in mod gratuit toate locațiile de care vom avea nevoie pentru eveniment.

Parteneriat cu Primaria Oradea Citeste tot »

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